Monday, November 26, 2012

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Sunday, November 4, 2012

Comicaze #3: Redemption

Comicaze #3: Redemption

Here it is, Comicaze episode 3. Much like episode one and unlike episode 2, it is actually listenable. Episode 2, much like Star War, shall be forever put out of our minds.

Monday, October 15, 2012

Comicaze #1: Craptain America

Comicaze #1: Craptain America

Here it is! The first sister show to the GDVGP.

Saturday, October 13, 2012

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Saturday, September 15, 2012

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Monday, July 9, 2012

Extra Life

Extra Life is one of the great times for us gamers to do something we love to help others. Extra Life is a video game fundraiser that supports the Children's Miracle Network Hospitals around the United States. Gamers around the world will take one day (literally) out of their lives to play video games. For each hour played, gamers can ask donators to donate at least $1 per hour (total of $24). So how do you get involved?

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

E3 Wrapup

Yeah yeah I know it's been a while and I didn't review Sony and Nintendo press conferences, so I'll do that quickly before I close out E3 for this year. Also I'll give my opinion on the winners and losers of E3. Feel free to leave a comment with your opinions.

Thursday, June 7, 2012

E3 Review - Ubisoft Press Conference

For the past few years, Ubisoft has had some of the most ridiculous and outrageous press conferences of all time. From celebrity host like Joel Mchale -who tried his hardest to be enthusiastic about the crap games- to Mr. Caffine -who did nothing but make us want to tear our hair out- Ubisoft has had trouble convincing gamers that they are a serious game developer. With the new Assassin's Creed, Far Cry 3, and Splinter Cell hyping gamers, I was hoping that they would finally get their act together.

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

E3 Review - EA Press Conference

With the exception of Mass Effect 3's release, EA has had a tough year. However, their press conference showed no signs of that the company was struggling. With games such as Dead Space 3, Medal of Honor: Warfighter, and the ever popular FIFA, EA showed why they are a force to be reckoned with.

E3 Review - Microsoft Press Conference

That time of year again, people out there on the interwebz, the Electronic Entertainment Expo is here and it's ready to blow your socks off with gaming news, trailers, gameplay and interviews. In this "Super Bowl of game developers" as Jack Trenton stated, E3 is a place where games and developers are examined under a microscope. The good, the bad, and the ugly are forever recorded in gaming news history.

Sunday, May 13, 2012

No Podcast This Week

Hey people out there in the interwebz,

Been a lot going on, so there's no podcast this week. And probably for the next few, due to finals QQ

But fear not, we will return and in full force!

Thursday, May 3, 2012

Podcast #8 - The Octo-Nom Nom

Show Notes:

Gamer Den Video Game (GDVG) Podcast #8
Thursday, April 26, 2012

Intros/Whatchu Section
  • Whatchu drinking
  • Whatchu been doing/playing
  • Whatchu planning to finish next

Gamer Jeopardy Question?

Greatest Rage Quit EVAR
  • What were you playing when it happened?
  • What did you throw/hit?
  • What did you learn?
  • Refrained from playing that gaming franchise or genre since then?

Using Kick Start to Fund a Game
  • Do you agree with it? Why or why not?
  • Is it the responsibility of the publisher to fund their own games or does crowdsourcing offer the developmental freedom to create innovative games?

The Future of Gaming
  • Which direction do you think gaming is headed in?
  • Streaming only consoles coming? Consolidated gaming console?
  • How do you feel about the recent push for motion and 3D gaming?
  • Do you see yourself gaming in 10 years? 20?


Background Music Credits: Mami Kawada, SWiTCH, Evil-Dog, Aqua Timez

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Podcast Subscription

 I wasn't able to get Itunes to approve the feed due to XML format, so you'll have to subscribe manually.
Step 1 - Open Itunes
Step 2 - Go to Advanced > Subscribe to Podcast
Step 3 - Input
Step 4 - Download episode and enjoy
If you have any problems, leave a comment and we'll try to resolve it asap.
I'll also be continually trying to tweak the feed so that we can get Itunes approval.

Sunday, April 15, 2012

Podcast #7 - Better Late then Never

Show Notes:

Gamer Den Video Game (GDVG) Podcast #7
Thursday, March 22, 2012

Intros/Whatchu Section
  • Whatchu drinking
  • Whatchu been doing/playing
  • Whatchu planning to finish next
Gamer Jeopardy Question!

DLC Discussion:
  • When is DLC good and when is it bad?
  • Are pre-order incentives such as DLC worth it?
 Rocksmith Discussion
  • Pros/Cons
  • GTMS
Idea of a perfect game
  • If you had the freedom to develop your own game, free of financial constraints and the interests of conglomerate companies such as EA, what type of game would you make?
  • Consider the following:
    • Console
    • Genre
    • Setting
    • Characters
    • Multiplayer vs. Singleplayer
    • PSN/XBLA title or full title
    • Voice acting
    • Mechanics


Podcast #6 - The Gamer Den & the Half Blood Princess Peach

Show Notes:

Gamer Den Video Game (GDVG) Podcast #6
Thursday, March 15, 2012

Intros/Whatchu Section
  • Whatchu drinking
  • Whatchu been doing/playing
  • Whatchu planning to finish next

Gamer Jeopardy Question!

Guess That Gaming Persona!

New additions to the Gamer Den Video Game Collaboration
  • Journey
  • Final Fantasy XIII-2

Idea of a perfect game**
    • If you had the freedom to develop your own game, free of financial constraints and the interests of conglomerate companies such as EA, what type of game would you make?
    • Consider the following:
      • Console
      • Genre
      • Setting
      • Characters
      • Multiplayer vs. Singleplayer
      • PSN/XBLA title or full title
      • Voice acting
      • Mechanics

  •  Diablo 3
    • Scheduled to release May 15th 
    • Anyone plan on picking up? Keep in mind that it is coming to consoles.


**Pushed to later episode

Podcast #5 - The Fizzith

Show Notes:

Gamer Den Video Game (GDVG) Podcast #5

Thursday, March 8, 2012

Intros/Whatchu Section
  • Whatchu drinking
  • Whatchu been doing/playing 
  • Whatchu planning to finish next

    Gamer Jeopardy Question!

    Pushed from last week
    The King of Kong: Fistful of Dollars
    •  Brief summary of movie 
    • Do you hold any of these arcade players in high regard? 
    • Record set in the movie was beaten by 
    • Q-Bert score of 33,000,000 set in 80s which requires a continuous 70 hours of gameplay.

      New additions to the Gamer Den Video Game Collaboration!
      Mass Effect 3

      • Initial thoughts and review
      Tekken X Street Fighter

      • Initial thoughts and review

      Video games you’d like to see made into movies
      •   Which series would you like to see made into a movie?
        • Why would this franchise have more success than past attempts, such as Prince of Persia, Resident Evil, old Mario Brothers and Street Fighter etc.
        • Who would you cast into the roles of the main characters?



      Podcast #4 - "Here We Go Again"

      Show Notes:

      Gamer Den Video Game (GDVG) Podcast #4
      Thursday, March 1, 2012

      Intros/Whatchu Section
      • Whatchu drinking 
      • Whatchu been doing/playing 
      • Whatchu planning to finish next

        Gamer Jeopardy Question!

        Pushed from last week
        Social issues in gaming
        • Are developers obligated to meet ethnic and gender quotas or to fulfill certain expectations of roles when creating the cast for their games? Why/why not? 
        • What changes have you seen over the past few years? Any trends emerging?

          Internet’s effect on gaming
          • Do you believe that the internet has played a positive or negative role for gaming?
          • Think about patching of games after launch, developer’s “laziness” in Q&A process when they can fall back on patching.

            The King of Kong: Fistful of Dollars**
            • Brief summary of movie 
            • Do you hold any of these arcade players in high regard? 
            • Record set in the movie was beaten by
            • Q-Bert score of 33,000,000 set in 80s which requires a continuous 70 hours of gameplay.

              •   Assassin’s Creed III reveal?
                • What do you think of the potential of a revolutionary war setting?
                • Native American protagonist?

              **Topic moved to later date

                Podcast #3 - The 10s Game

                Show Notes:
                Gamer Den Video Game (GDVG) Podcast #3
                Thursday, February 23, 2012

                Intros/Whatchu Section
                • Whatchu drinking
                • Whatchu been doing/playing
                • Whatchu planning to finish next

                Gaming and related hardware purchases
                • Any upcoming purchases for anyone? T.V.? Controllers?

                Favorite gaming console
                • Which console holds the most nostalgia for you?
                • Golden era of gaming in your life?

                Upcoming video games which were neglected to be mentioned last episode
                • BORDERLANDS 2

                Social issues in gaming**
                •  Are developers obligated to meet ethnic and gender quotas or to fulfill certain expectations of roles when creating the cast for their games? Why/why not?
                • What changes have you seen over the past few years? Any trends emerging?

                Games that you would like to see redone in HD
                 Which of your favorite classics would you like to see redone in HD?
                • Would you pay full title price or within the PSN price range?
                  • Resident Evil remake (a la Gamecube)
                  • Road Rash
                Gaming on a smart phone
                •  Do Bomber/Krawesome think that they would game for any significant amount of time when they make the switch to a smart phone? Why or why not?
                • McSeagull/Jedi talk about smart phone gaming experience.

                Arcade gaming
                • Do you miss the coin operated arcade? Why or why not?
                • Do you see these dropping out of existence entirely?



                **Topic removed prior to recording

                Podcast #2 - Brass Tax

                Show Notes:

                Gamer Den Video Game (GDVG) Podcast #2

                Intros/Whatchu Section – Keep it short and sweet. Bang bang bang
                - Whatchu drinking
                - Whatchu been doing/playing
                - Whatchu planning to finish next - you don’t have to do this

                Quick Opinions – Max 10 mins - GTMCS
                - SWTOR
                - Mortal Kombat
                - Duke Nukem Forever
                - Gotham Imposters

                Games to look out for in 2012 – MAIN CORE of the Episode
                - Mass Effect 3
                - Bioshock Infinite
                - The Last of Us
                - Resident Evil 6*
                - Tomb Raider
                - What game are you most looking forward too?

                - Can 2012 stack up to 2011?
                - E3 – Will there be a next gen console announcements?
                - Battlefront 3 game on the horizon?

                - PSN ID
                - Gamer Den FB
                - Shoutouts

                *Items cut/left off due to time constraints

                Podcast #1 - GDVGP Is A Go!

                Show Notes:
                Gamer Den Video Game (GDVG) Podcast #1
                Intros/Whatchu Section
                   -Whatchu drinking
                   -Whatchu been doing/playing
                   -Whatchu planning to finish next

                Recap of 2011
                    - Some important game events of 2011
                • Battle of the FPS – MW3 vs BF3
                • Shutdown of PSN – Hacking by Anonymous *
                • Rise of Handheld – PSV, 3DS, Wii U

                    - Stand out games of 2011 & Guess that Metacritic Score
                • Batman Arkham City
                • Portal 2
                • Killzone 3
                • Skyrim
                • Uncharted 3
                • Gears of War 3*
                • Rage*
                • Dark Souls*
                • Mortal Kombat*
                • Duke Nukem Forever*

                    -Game of the Year choices


                *Cut/Excluded items

                GDVG Blogspot Launch!

                Since I wanted to get our podcast out to more people, I created a blogspot for us! Keep it here for Gamer Den news and podcast releases