Sunday, April 15, 2012

Podcast #3 - The 10s Game

Show Notes:
Gamer Den Video Game (GDVG) Podcast #3
Thursday, February 23, 2012

Intros/Whatchu Section
  • Whatchu drinking
  • Whatchu been doing/playing
  • Whatchu planning to finish next

Gaming and related hardware purchases
  • Any upcoming purchases for anyone? T.V.? Controllers?

Favorite gaming console
  • Which console holds the most nostalgia for you?
  • Golden era of gaming in your life?

Upcoming video games which were neglected to be mentioned last episode

Social issues in gaming**
  •  Are developers obligated to meet ethnic and gender quotas or to fulfill certain expectations of roles when creating the cast for their games? Why/why not?
  • What changes have you seen over the past few years? Any trends emerging?

Games that you would like to see redone in HD
 Which of your favorite classics would you like to see redone in HD?
  • Would you pay full title price or within the PSN price range?
    • Resident Evil remake (a la Gamecube)
    • Road Rash
Gaming on a smart phone
  •  Do Bomber/Krawesome think that they would game for any significant amount of time when they make the switch to a smart phone? Why or why not?
  • McSeagull/Jedi talk about smart phone gaming experience.

Arcade gaming
  • Do you miss the coin operated arcade? Why or why not?
  • Do you see these dropping out of existence entirely?



**Topic removed prior to recording

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