Monday, July 9, 2012

Extra Life

Extra Life is one of the great times for us gamers to do something we love to help others. Extra Life is a video game fundraiser that supports the Children's Miracle Network Hospitals around the United States. Gamers around the world will take one day (literally) out of their lives to play video games. For each hour played, gamers can ask donators to donate at least $1 per hour (total of $24). So how do you get involved?

 In previous years, Extra Life had benefited a single Children's Miracle Network Hospital in Texas. But as the phenomenon grew, Extra Life has now branched off to help hospitals near you. Here's a breakdown of how fast Extra Life has exploded onto the scene.

2008 - $121,000 - 1,165 gamers
2009 - $170,000 - 1,654 gamers
2010 - $465,000 - 3,299 gamers
2011 - $1,108,224 - 13,596 gamers

That's over a million dollars raised for charity. So that's the why, here's the when, where, and how?

When: Oct. 20th, 2012
Where: Wherever you can find a video game
Donate to the Gamer Den here: GAMER DEN DONATION PAGE

Get out there and make a difference either by joining the cause or donating. Thanks to all those who participate.

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